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LEGO Icons 10331 – Le martin-pêcheur
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 Design can change the world, I changed it once!

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 12
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2007

Design can change the world, I changed it once! Empty
MessageSujet: Design can change the world, I changed it once!   Design can change the world, I changed it once! Icon_minitimeLun 11 Juin - 17:24

Le monde merveilleux du design, des gens beaux, qui font des choses belles!
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Nombre de messages : 34
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2007

Design can change the world, I changed it once! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Design can change the world, I changed it once!   Design can change the world, I changed it once! Icon_minitimeMar 17 Juil - 11:50

Putain c'est génial.

C'est un excellent exemple de "designer bullshit", on se rend compte à quel point les argumentaires abstraits et fourre-tout qu'on entend tout le temps sont proches des clichés ridicules.

"I take an average idea that we see everyday and reexamine it on a microscopic level, and that makes me reexamine what that idea is, that way I can create really lovely work that really does a difference in the world and really resonates with people."
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Nombre de messages : 373
Age : 40
Localisation : Nogent le Rotrou
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2007

Design can change the world, I changed it once! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Design can change the world, I changed it once!   Design can change the world, I changed it once! Icon_minitimeMer 25 Juil - 10:19

"is my work beautiful because i'm beautiful or am I beautiful because my work is beautiful?"

Une seule chose à dire...BEAUTIFOOL
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Design can change the world, I changed it once! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Design can change the world, I changed it once!   Design can change the world, I changed it once! Icon_minitime

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Design can change the world, I changed it once!
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